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♥ Saturday, September 07, 2013
Have you ever want to know someone? Know his/her character, what he/she likes, how he/she thinks, etc?? When he/she is around you, you would feel happy. When he/she is not around, you will think of him/her. However, when both of you didn't meet for some time, you would stop thinking about him/her. But, if you hear news of him/her or see him/her, you will starting the thinking again. Sort of like 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind' situation.

You want to know him/her is simply because you want to know if he/she is suitable for you. Sometimes after some encounters with him/her, you will think both of you are not suitable for each other. Then after a gathering, you will think maybe he/she likes you, so you got the 'wait and see' mindset. After some times, the feeling fade away because both of you are busy with work and didn't have interaction for long.

What will you do in this situation? Maybe it is due to infatuation that you want to know the person? Continue to know or understand him/her? Or give up and move on with life? Dilemma~~

This is my life.11:25 PM

♥ Thursday, August 29, 2013
Do you have a friend who can rush to your rescue or listen to your grumbles at any moment? If you feel sad, do you have a friend whom you can talk to in a frank way? Or if you feel sad, do you have a friend who can sense it and ask you 'hey.. how are you?'?

Sometimes I feel that I don't have such a friend.

This is my life.5:29 PM

♥ Friday, February 22, 2013
很烦。真的很烦。想要放开却一直找不到方法。想什么都不管, 然后做自己想做的事。是否会有这样的机会呢? 心情时好时坏, 但我也不想朋友知道, 只想要自己一个人安安静静就好。


This is my life.10:46 AM

♥ Sunday, February 17, 2013


This is my life.11:21 PM



This is my life.2:13 AM

♥ Thursday, February 07, 2013
怎么到了新年却感受不到那个气息呢? 好奇怪。而且还闷闷不乐的。

接下来几个月将会是关键的, 我能不能毕业就看这几个月的努力了。但是, 好累啊! 不管做什么, 我都觉得累。:(


This is my life.1:07 PM

♥ Tuesday, December 11, 2012
朋友是什么?朋友是可以帮忙分担烦恼,一起玩乐,一起做很多事情。但一旦发生意见不和还是纷争的时候,那又要怎么办? 是远离,还是吵架? 远离了,能够再亲近吗?

跟人再亲近,我相信还是会有一道保护膜在两个人之间。 这个保护膜也可以说是一条界限,不能跨越的。它可以很薄也可以很厚。看人而定。


This is my life.8:25 AM

♥ Wednesday, July 04, 2012
难道我先走有错吗? 我家这么靠近, 难道要我回去公司再回家吗? 有点不合理吧? 而且, 她又说没问题了, 我才先走的。她说找得到人来帮她, 所以我就放心地先走了。真是受不了! 破坏我今天的心情。

This is my life.9:59 AM