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为你而活 - 神木与瞳 (卜超 制作) 看生命 像阵风 包不住的痛 所以紧握双手 抬起头 那流星般的笑容 只不过 坠落在心中 天空会裂缝 我肩头 添上的爱那麼久 就不怕 滂沱 用眼泪庆贺 跨过了 坚信这一扇门后 真的有 天国 為了你而活 為了你而梦 為了爱我会撑到最后 当世界都乌有 守著你的人是我 為了你而活 為了你而梦 伤痕再深心无法划破 跟命运在逆流 就算错了 也不退后 不闪躲 在这荆棘遍佈中 那伤口 会开出花朵 天空会裂缝 我肩头 添上的爱那麼重 就不怕 滂沱 用眼泪庆贺 跨过了 坚信这一扇门后 真的有 天国 為了你而活 為了你而梦 為了爱我会撑到最后 当世界都乌有 守著你的人是我 為了你而活 為了你而梦 伤痕再深心无法划破 跟命运在逆流 就算错了 也不退后 Labels: 神木与瞳 |
This is my life.1:54 PM
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累,累,累。。东西好像永远做不完的。。还好这个星期不用去学校,不然我会疯掉啊。。其实也没什么好写的,就这样咯。。大家加油!! Labels: 杂谈 |
This is my life.4:39 PM
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已经完成一些功课了,但只是上网重听lecture。。还有很多要听呢。。也还有很多很多东西要做。。这几天的天气简直是热死人!我仿佛要融化了。。我这样讲一点也不夸张,真的很热。。我们家只要是有人的地方,风扇一定是开着的。。而且大多数的时间是开在二号。。可见天气有多热。。虽然是天气热,但我却不希望下雨。。下雨是可以降低温度,但它却让我有点心情不好。。哈哈。。可能我怪错天气了,我心情不好的原因应该是我的功课多所以压力大的关系吧。。不管怎样,幸好有一个星期的假期,不然我会因为睡不够而倒下吧。。总之,我要在这一个星期里好好地休息。。大家加油吧! =) Labels: 杂谈 |
This is my life.9:21 PM
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知道-郭静 (词曲:韦礼安) 她让你憔悴许多 她让你不知所措 她的一举一动你不停的对我说 我微笑倾听你说 我却越听越心痛 怎么你说的不是我 她比我多了什么 让你愿意耐心等候 我想知道她让你痴心是什么 我想知道她让你疯狂为什么 我知道做的和她没有不同 但是我却不在你的心中逗留 我想知道她哪里比我好很多 在你心中她和我有什么不同 我知道我比她付出的还多 可是我总换不了你的心动 你让我憔悴很多 你让我不知所措 你一举一动我的心被牵着走 她不经意的走过 你就把我给冷落 嫉妒把我给吞没 她比我多了什么 让你愿意耐心等候 我想知道她让你痴心是什么 我想知道她让你疯狂为什么 我知道做的和她没有不同 但是我却不在你的心中逗留 我想知道她哪里比我好很多 在你心中她和我有什么不同 我知道我比她付出的还多 可是我总换不了你的心动 我知道了她哪里比我好更多 在你心中我永远不可能会让你心动 我知道我比她付出的还多 可是我在你心中没有她多 Labels: 郭静 |
This is my life.9:16 PM
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终于都过去了!不知是否因为所有测验的结束,我今天的心情特别好。。哈哈。。原本以为会很差的3007竟然考到B-。。算是不幸中的大幸了吧!其实也不可以说是不幸啦,因为没有准备足够是我自己的错,跟任何人和事都没关系。。没准备好能考到这样的成绩也算不错吧。。哈哈。。真不要脸! 总之,一切都过去了。。我不能像前些日子那样泄气了,那时的我像是泄了气的气球一样,提不起劲。。我要振作起来!还有很多事等着我呢!大家一起加油吧!=) Labels: 杂谈 |
This is my life.6:07 PM
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好险!兔子差点就出局了!还好,她们的支持者很多。哈哈。。我从SuperBand开始以来就一直在支持兔子。(虽然我没有投票,但是我是支持她们的。。 哈哈。。)下一圈是最后一场半决赛了,希望兔子能够顺利进入总决赛。。 最近心情不是很好,朋友都很包容我,我很感激。。我想我的坏心情可能会持续很久,因为我想功课越来越繁重,时间却这么少,压力就会自然而然地涌上来。。我就是这样。。当压力一来,我整个人就无法开心起来了。。是好是坏?我也不知道。。我已经从上个测验恢复过来了,我会继续努力,面对接下来的测验,尽量不要给自己太多压力,让自己能够放松面对种种考验。。就这样,大家加油吧!!=) |
This is my life.12:12 AM
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told myself to read tutorials.. in the end?? didnt read.. so what happens next?? fail the CA.. told myself must read the tutorials.. must read must read.. and then, forgot.. everything forgot.. why didnt i forgot to eat?? so now what about the CA?? dunno this, dunno that.. all the marks give to the prof.. since pri sch, teacher always said must read the qn, look carefully, dun miss any words.. and now in uni.. i make the same mistake.. just the three words 'in this compound' makes my entire question wrong.. all my carelessness and stupidity.. didnt read tutorial, didnt read question.. this CA is gone.. now i have to work super hard for my exam.. i dun want to get another C.. one C is alr enough.. am i too full of myself again?? so simple questions and i gave all the marks to the prof.. i am such an irritating girl.. dunno this, dunno that, know nothing.. just know how to sleep.. sleep and eat.. that is all i know how to do.. |
This is my life.12:26 PM
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Woo.. Laurentia Tan won 2 bronze medal in the Beijing Paralympics!! Yeah!! haha.. that is the only good news these few days ba.. tml got the CA.. first time having CA on sat.. hai.. haven finish studying.. how? well.. at least i finished reading most of the lecture notes le.. hopefully can revise everything again by tonight.. and just vomite everything out tml.. next week got 2 quiz also.. hai.. back to back.. wed and thur.. hai.. this makes me still thinking whether to go to my friend's 21st bdae celebration tml.. maybe i shld go there to relax a bit right.. can see my sec sch friends.. hai.. but at sembawang.. hai.. hate travelling.. i am so tensed up these few days.. moody plus bad temper.. tried not to show it le.. also tried not to affect my friends.. hai.. by not talking much should help in not affecting my friends.. but.. maybe i talk too much in the past and so they can notice my silence.. i dunno la.. lazy to talk recently.. hai.. since when i hate talking so much? |
This is my life.12:04 PM
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i don't know what got into me.. i am extremely 烦 right now.. i cant do anything.. i want to do the tutorials but i cant.. i want to study but i cant.. what got into me? why am i so 烦? i dont understand.. i am never like this before.. i feel like shouting.. i feel like scolding someone.. seriously i do feel like quitting school now.. ya right.. who am i kidding? quit school.. that will be something that i will never dare to do.. when i'm young, i want to grow faster so that i can gain more freedom.. now that i have the freedom i have always wanted, yet i want to go back to the time when i am still a kid.. that time is really no-stress, no-nothing.. i am lagging behind and i know i need to work hard for this sem to improve my grades.. but how come i dont seem to have the motivation to do so.. how come i am always chasing behind all the lect recording, tuts and all sort of stuff? why do i feel like i am so useless? why? am i really useless? cant i take just this little stress? there's more to come in the exam period.. how will i survive then? lots of question marks in my head.. lots of targets in my head.. lots of things-to-do in my head.. all these in one word = stress.. 3 tests in 2 wks.. plus need to rush out project discussion.. all these things is killing me.. is this the cause to my bad temper recently? i am be very angry at very small things.. i can be very impatient all of a sudden.. i can be very irritated about anything.. whether it is related to me or not.. my mood can turn bad anytime.. i can ignore everyone all of a sudden.. is there something wrong with me? what is happening to me? |
This is my life.12:50 AM
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it's been so long since i update my blog.. so busy.. project, lect, tut and rest.. no time to rest le.. where got time to blog leh? hai.. dunno why suddenly i feel all the stress.. that explains why my temper recently is so bad.. can get angry out of a sudden.. then kept raining these few days.. today is the only non-rainy this week.. for me, i always get moody during rainy days.. rain=moody?? dunno.. sometimes just dont feel like waking up and going to school.. dunno since when going to school is a chore.. but i have made a pact with my friend.. although she in different uni.. we are going to work hard for this sem and score good results tgt.. cuz i scored super bad results last sem so making this pact or promise with her did give me some motivation to study.. for her, this will be her last sem.. but i still got three more sems to go.. or maybe i should say two more sems and one IA to go.. nope nope.. i am not going to give up.. since i didnt give up in the past, i am not going to give up now.. i am already halfway through.. just half the marathon to go.. after this marathon awaits me another challenge.. i must survive through.. i must believe i can succeed.. suddenly i sound so insipiring.. haha.. maybe people is like tat de ba.. need some motivaton from time to time.. need someone to cheer for them.. so yup.. going to study the most hated module of this sem.. nitex.. GAMBATTE!! |
This is my life.10:39 PM