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I had a great time having dinner with some of the Merlins.. Haha.. It's been a long time since i last met them.. Although there is just a few turned up, but the feeling is good.. Had so much laugh.. To say the truth, i am there to 'watch show' only.. Haha.. So fun.. Really made me think back the times during FOC.. We had so much fun together.. Haha.. We took some photos too.. I will upload it once i got the photos.. =) Alright, i go rest le.. Night.. |
This is my life.12:43 AM
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It's been long since i last updated.. Well, didn't do much during this period of time.. Studying for today's quiz, watching drama & tv and many many more.. Haha.. Watched the charity show for the Sichuan earthquake on Sunday.. It is kind of sad.. Watching the photos of those poor kids and parents.. Especially during the poem-reciting part, my tears just flow.. I can say i am crying throughout the whole programme.. I think my whole family also ba.. I hope my donations can help them even though it is so little.. We must be grateful that Singapore is in such a strategic location that we won't have such natural disaster.. Really fortunate.. I shouldn't complain much le.. Compared to the victims, mine is so insignificant.. As i have mentioned previously, i had my astronomy quiz today.. Haha.. Well.. I won't say it is easy.. It is a do-able quiz.. Haha.. Hope can do well.. In two weeks time, i am going to have my exam le.. Hopefully it is another do-able paper.. Another good news.. I don't have class tomorrow.. Haha.. Quite a good news because i can wake up at a later time.. Haha.. Anyway, back to my drama le.. Good night.. |
This is my life.10:41 PM
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Some more photos which i forgot to upload in the previous post.. Enjoy~~ The pics is a bit blur.. Cuz both of us are laughing.. Me can't stand still and my dear photographer kept laughing.. Haha.. |
This is my life.2:13 AM
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Time to update loh!! Part 1 Last thur i went for star gazing.. Maybe because i am taking astronomy lessons now, i am quite interested in watching the stars.. So i went together with the clique for my astronomy lesson.. Some pictures my friend has taken and sent to me.. Enjoy~~
Saturn.. Look kind of small, isn't? My clique in the astronomy lecture.. Keeping me awake.. (hmm.. they tried lah.. haha..) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Part 2 ![]() ![]() Esplanade~~ ![]() The light pollution.. The small Merlion~~ ![]() The big Merlion~~ ![]() Me and the Singapore Flyer~~ ![]() |
This is my life.12:37 AM
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more bad news about the Sichuan earthquake.. it really breaks my heart when i read all the newspaper reports and online reports.. the photos taken.. i cried everytime i watch the news and read these reports.. why is something so terrible happen to those young life? why do they need to suffer? why do they have to go through all these sufferings? why? i almost can't believe what i read from one of the reports.. it said that the school building is made of poor quality materials.. and this is why most of the school buildings collapsed.. if this report is true, i hope that contractor will get severe punishment.. even if he die, he still can't compensate for all the young life that is lost in this earthquake.. this is too much.. how can one build schools using low-quality materials? didn't they think about the children studying there? didn't they think about their safety? or did they just think only about there interests and benefits? i really hope the china authorities can investigate this issue thoroughly.. if not, how can they face the parents of the children? the culprit must be punished.. for these few days, my focus is all on Sichuan earthquake.. my heart is really down these few days.. i do hope miracles will happen to them now.. i hope more survivors to be saved.. i hope the weather there to stay sunny for the rescue work to proceed successfully.. i hope the survivours have food to eat, water to drink, place to live.. i really hope they can hang on and survive through.. |
This is my life.11:27 PM
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been hearing news and reading reports about the earthquake in China Sichuan.. really sad when i read the report.. this shows how fragile our life is.. especially when i saw the photo of the school children.. it is so unbearable.. those kids are still so young.. and they are gone just like that.. but at least the China authorities started the rescue immediately.. at least some students can be saved.. this action gives hope to all the people there.. the PM of China, Wen Jia Bao.. going to Sichuan in person is something that i respect him of.. he cares for his people.. the reports about him really changed my opinions about this leader.. the death poll is increasing each day.. and everyday i saw photos of the victims there, my heart went down.. i cant bear to look at them.. i really hope there will be more good news.. although it's been so long since the earthquake, i really hope more people can be found alive.. hai.. all these recent news made me so sad.. hai.. how come so many natural disasters occuring?? will it happen to singapore in the future?? nobody knows.. maybe in the future, there is four seasons in singapore.. but that would be singapore has moved away from the equator.. is it so?? don't know.. nobody knows what will happen in the future.. who can predict for sure what will happen?? if anyone can do that, i would curse that person.. how come he didn't predict this Sichuan earthquake and the cyclone in Myanmar?? making so many people die and suffer.. but how can that be possible?? hai.. our Earth is sick le.. we must take care of our Earth le.. she is sending signals to us already.. maybe the Earth is already sick long long ago.. since human kind begins living.. hai.. all these natural disasters.. what can we do about them?? nothing?? hai.. this is quite a sad post.. hai.. good luck to all the people in Sichuan.. hope they will be safe.. |
This is my life.12:03 AM
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went to my grandma's house to celebrate Mother's Day.. haha.. i didn't prepare anything lah.. just there to eat only.. good food.. wat else can i ask for?? hahaha.. saw my grandaunts there also.. so long didnt see them.. didnt chat much also lah.. they rmb my name den good enough le.. so ya.. we didnt chat much.. just watching the tv quietly.. haha.. quite low profile.. i wonder if there's one time that i didnt go there early will they ask if i will be going.. or will there just forget my existence?? oh well.. nothing to complain also.. haha.. for Mother's day, me and my sis treat Mum to a dinner.. where?? haha.. just the coffeeshop downstairs.. few steps can reach liao.. haha.. at first we want Sakae Sushi de.. but too tired to go so far liao, so just settle it at the coffeeshop downstairs.. haha.. second week of astronomy is starting soon.. in a few hours time.. haha.. shld be fun ba.. haha.. dunno also lah.. just don't sleep then it is good enough.. haha.. alright.. going sleep now.. |
This is my life.12:17 AM
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after 1 week of astronomy classes, i think i like going to these astronomy lectures.. haha.. expecially the dvds the lecturer show us.. so interesting.. of cuz, there is some that is boring also lah.. haha.. didnt really fall asleep in lecture yet.. haha.. reason due to the fact that i have 2 "guards" beside me who will wake me up by their slap or by pinching or by tickling.. haha.. that's why i can stay awake.. haha.. that's about school.. then what about at home?? well.. i decided to continue my unfinished cross-sitch.. can spend a lot of time on it but quite tiring for the eyes.. going out with friends also.. can also sleep whenever i want.. haha.. i have already cleared the notes on the floor.. haha.. some achievement.. haha.. the result will be out in early June.. then my special exam in mid-June.. then the registration of modules for next sem shld be (if i guess correctly..) in late June.. three major events in June.. then in July, if everything goes smoothly, will be going to Bangkok, Thailand.. haha.. can shop till crazy liao.. i am controlling now.. don't spend too much.. wait till i get to Bangkok.. heehee.. need to help my dad plan a bit also.. the accomodation.. where to go and blah blah blah.. well.. haha.. tried my best to help out ba.. haha.. ok.. signing off then.. |
This is my life.5:17 PM
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today is the first day of my special sem 1.. taking "Astronomy".. haha.. cool?? quite interesting.. the first lesson i am listening to "2 hydrogen atoms will combine to form helium and then form bigger n bigger atoms...." the lecturer is trying to tell us that stars is made up of atoms.. and when stars died, they will explode.. and the explosion will lead to large energy release which forces the atoms to combine to form new stars.. well.. if i understand correctly, this should be the case ba.. haha.. need to read the notes to be sure.. actually it is really quite fun.. seeing the dvd is so nice.. haha.. i think i wun fall asleep too much ba.. need to tidy my room up le.. the notes still on the floor.. haha..table still so messy.. haha.. alright.. going sleep now.. signing off.. |
This is my life.11:55 PM
This is my life.11:31 PM
This is my life.12:52 PM
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this post will be different from the above post.. it's not about the Istana trip anymore.. it's more to the sentimental side le.. in fact right now, i am feeling moody.. not the moody kind that wanted to scold someone.. no.. just moody.. maybe crying may help.. but how?? maybe screaming can help too.. but where?? maybe blogging can help.. so here i am.. trying the last resort to spill it all out.. why am i feeling moody?? i really don't know.. because of the shocking news i have heard lately?? well, maybe.. they are quite shocking.. if not why refer them as "shocking news".. but i think there's more to this moody feeling.. but what?? hai.. been imagining some impossible things.. (which i won't say it here and don't ask me..) what will happen if this happen?? what will happen if that happen?? what happen if i react like this?? what happen if i reach like that?? these kind of questions kept popping into my mind.. sometimes i also think of how i would react if people offended me?? will i be angry?? if i'm angry, what will i do to that person?? hit him?? scold him?? scream at him?? ignore him?? think of ideas to irritate him the next time?? or nothing to do at all and just let him continue to bully me?? which will be my choice?? maybe this may sound stupid to some of you.. why do i 自讨苦吃?? for no matter, why do i think so much?? ya.. true also to say it this way.. but i really hope i can get some answers from myself.. so what's the answer then?? or is there no answer at all?? or i can only discover the answer when that situation happens?? is that it?? don't know.. really don't know.. |
This is my life.12:17 AM
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went to Istana today!! haha.. first time there.. haha.. hmm.. quite big and nice too.. the weather is so good today.. took some photos.. went into the Istana building.. paid 2 dollars entrance for that.. admired those precious items from famous painters or from other countries or collections from the art museum.. seriously part of the reason going in is to enjoy the air-conditioned inside.. haha.. the interior design is so grand.. like palace.. so nice.. even those fire hose right.. those emergency one.. also covered by such a nice door not like those red doors with the middle glass.. there's lift inside too.. amazing.. we got to see the Reception Hall, State Room (also called Victoria Room) and the Banquet Hall.. after the tour inside, we continue the walk around the Istana before going to Manhanttan Fish at PS for lunch.. sister treat.. haha.. for the lunch part, i must say we should order 3 sets instead of 4.. 4 sets is too much le.. i cant finished my fish and fries.. my sis cant finish the rice.. my mum cant finish the fish too.. oh.. i cant finish my drink also.. i think partly because the fish is too oily so feel a bit sick of it after a few more bites.. so ya.. still recommend Fish & Co. haha.. and one incident happened during the lunch.. one guy waved to me!!! haha.. don't think too much wor.. i think he is my classmate from JC but i don't really recognise him.. i didn't wave back when he waved at me.. i think he told his friends cuz some of his friends turned over to look at me.. haha.. so paiseh.. then for the rest of the lunch i kept thinking "who is he? who is he? from sec. sch.? no leh.. from JC? maybe.." then once i assumed he is from JC, i started thinking "what is his name? what is his name?" seriously, at that point of time, i can't think of any names.. but then i suddenly thought of one name and i looked in his direction again and still thinking whether the name match that face anot.. haha.. so funny.. think he won't know my blog so don't need to worry that he will know.. someone going to laugh at me for this.. don't recognise a friend.. if my guess is right, then i think this reaction of mine is normal.. cuz i am not close to him in JC.. i think didn't talk much ba.. haha.. but seriously, if that person (the one i am talking about in the previous paragraph..) happens to see my blog, please somehow tell me can? haha.. want to see if my guess is correct.. but if wrong, haha, want to know your name.. haha.. so funny.. at first, i thought "wah.. a guy waving at me leh.." i turned away immediately lah.. haha.. so paiseh.. then i think he should know me lah.. haha.. who will want to wave at a stranger for nothing?? ya.. i am stupid.. thought that he wants to know me.. hahahahaha.. but i think quite paiseh for him also ba.. waved le yet no reply.. haha.. another thing about the Istana trip.. you know there's guards standing at the gates of the Istana right?? haha.. i took photo with one of them.. the one with the rifle.. so shuai loh.. haha.. but my dad said he 偷笑.. haha.. so cute.. so happy to take picture with a cute guy.. actually he can't help it also lah.. he can't react or what ma.. then people just keep standing by his side to take photo.. so funny.. the other guy standing opposite to him right?? seems like he didn't really have people wanting to take photo with him.. and honestly, he is not that good-looking.. oops.. really this guy that i took photo with is really cute.. most tourists or visitors want to take photo with him.. so cute lah.. and so funny also.. didn't feel like uploading the photos now.. maybe upload on sat or sun ba.. signing off loh.. =) |
This is my life.10:26 PM