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finally.. the OP is finally over.. one burden down.. but this is not the end yet.. i have one CA on fri and another one next thur.. i also have one CA assignment to be done.. so this weekend will be another busy weekend.. now alr week 11.. which means exams is nearer and nearer.. haiz.. although i always remind myself to start revising but the momentum is not there yet.. well, i think it's always when i am at the most stress state then the momentum starts to build up.. haha.. well.. i dunno.. just do what i plan for now and hope everything will be fine.. haha.. night! |
This is my life.10:42 PM
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today something bad happened to me. i fell down. fell on my bum.. so painful loh.. first time i fell like that loh.. so paiseh.. lucky only one malay auntie behind me.. and she didnt even come and help me up lah.. and because i got up too fast, i felt giddy.. and i giddy all the way up to the house.. lucky near my block le.. if not, i think i will just faint outside loh.. reached home need to lie down to rest for awhile before eating my lunch.. wah.. so painful.. felt like crying that time.. blue-black already.. quite a big patch.. pain.. stand pain.. sit pain.. want to bend down take something also pain.. sit down get up also pain.. lie down also pain.. feel like an old lady now lah.. cant have big movements.. what a horrible experience.. i dunno how i going to sleep in this painful condition.. PAIN!!! haiz.. go sleep le.. night! |
This is my life.11:42 PM
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空虚是什么? 快乐是什么? 幸福是什么? 爱情是什么? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 有了爱情就会快乐? 快乐是否就是幸福? 幸福是否就没有空虚? 空虚难道就不能快乐? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 谁真的了解爱情? 谁真的明白爱情? 谁知道怎么得到快乐? 谁知道怎么得到幸福? 谁能够得到属于自己的爱情? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i have asked a lot of questions. who is capable of answering questions? who can truely answer these questions with an actual answer? i don't think anyone can. even if you have been through a lot of things, it doesn't mean you know the answers. but even if you really know the answers, what can do about it? i think people may be irritated with the questions i have posted. i won't ask for an answer. just thinking through them so i decided to blog them down. for my previous few entries, they all sounded quite sentimental. well, i agreed. i can't explain why is it that way. i believed everyone will go through low periods of their life. i am not sure if this is one of my low period, but i just know i don't feel happy. i don't people to entertain me to make me happy cuz i know it will be useless. to be happy, the person itself needs to have happy thoughts. well, that's what i think. think i won't be blogging so frequently, don't to just talk about my sad feelings here and besides, exam's is coming very soon. instead of wasting time feeling sad, i rather use this time to study. but said is easier than done. anyway, going off now. night. |
This is my life.11:48 PM
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i am trying to find songs that i have learnt this sem then i will put them in the song list.. i cant believe i actually found 'one night in beijing' by chen sheng.. this is quite an old song actually.. this version is much much much better than xin yue duan's version.. this song is so meaningful.. have a different feeling listening to it after that lesson.. well.. i will try to find cuz some of the songs are quite old already.. haha.. night!! |
This is my life.12:44 AM
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share another song with you.. it is by a singer from china.. the first time i heard this song, it really leave an impression.. not only the vocal part.. but the lyrics part also.. thanks to 中国风 by 周崇庆 and 牧童.. i am not sure if the second is correct anot.. he is only on-air during the weekends.. but anyway, this song is really quite nice.. find it on the songlist and listen.. you will be touched by it.. <<香水有毒>> 胡杨林 我曾经爱过这样一个男人 他说我是世上最美的女人 我为他保留着那一份天真 关上爱别人的门 也是这个被我深爱的男人 把我变成世上最笨的女人 他说的每句话我都会当真 他说最爱我的唇 我的要求并不高 待我像从前一样好 可是有一天你说了同样的话 把别人拥入怀抱 你身上有她的香水味 是我鼻子犯的罪 不该嗅到她的美 檫掉一切陪你睡 你身上有她的香水味 是你赐给的自卑 你要的爱太完美 我永远都学不会 |
This is my life.12:29 AM
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最近总觉得有点空虚。心理的空虚。无法解释这空虚是为了什么,但我知道我不能让它影响我的学业。如何去除空虚,谁能告诉我? |
This is my life.9:43 PM
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i have read one of my friend's blog and i suddenly feel sad.. i dunno why.. i dunno dunno dunno.. the photo disturb me a lot.. keep appearing in my mind.. idiot.. shouldn't go read in the first place.. idiot.. why am i feeling lidat?? who will understand this feeling?? haiz.. it is just irritating that i cant speak to anyone about this.. just now after writing the first paragraph, i went to watch the online lecture for 2002.. forgot to watch last friday.. so now back here to continue blogging.. maybe i shouldnt think so much about the photo.. maybe it means nothing at all.. well.. maybe.. even if it's true, i also dunno.. alright, back to studying.. not sure if i have the stamina to continue with one more lecture recording before i go sleep.. alright.. back to work or sleep.. night! |
This is my life.11:00 PM
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went to my grandma's house just now.. quite a long time didnt see them le.. my grandpa got a new hp! haha.. not really new lah.. old model but the fact that he bought a sim card is so amazing.. haha.. those pre-paid card.. i nearly died when i helped him to key in the numbers of my uncles and aunties.. why?? i need to key in in chinese.. it's ok to be chinese but it is samsung phone which i am not really good with.. i am too used to nokia phones already.. i think for the rest of my life i will stick to nokia.. more user-friendly.. the samsung phone he had ar.. is so irritating.. i dunno how to describe here but it is so irritating.. i am not going to use a samsung phone.. actually i think this is the first time that i enjoyed my stay at my grandma's house.. dunno why.. haha.. so i like quiet places afterall.. only my family went back so quite quiet.. haha.. anyway, want to introduce this song.. it is so cute.. so un-jay song.. haha.. you can find this song on the songlist.. it's so cute.. the lyrics is just below.. try to sing along if you can.. it's so fun.. enjoy! <<牛仔很忙>> 作曲:周杰伦 作词:黄俊郎 呜啦啦啦火车笛 随著奔腾的马蹄 小妹妹吹著口琴 夕阳下美了剪影 我用子弹写日记 介绍完了风景 接下来换介绍我自己 我虽然是个牛仔 在酒吧只点牛奶 为什麼不喝啤酒 因为啤酒伤身体 很多人不长眼睛 嚣张都KAO武器 赤手空拳就缩成蚂蚁 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了不用麻烦不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 你们一起上 我在赶时间每天决斗观众都累了 英雄也累了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 副歌不长你们有几个 一起上好了 正义呼唤我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 我啦啦啦骑毛驴 因为马跨不上去 洗澡都洗泡泡浴 因为可以玩玩具 我有颗善良的心 都只穿假牛皮 喔 跌倒时尽量不压草皮 枪口它没长眼睛 我曾经答应上帝 除非是万不得已 我尽量射橡皮筋 老板先来杯奶昔 要逃命前请你 顺便餵餵我那只小毛驴 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了不用麻烦不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 你们一起上 我在赶时间每天决斗观众都累了 英雄也累了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 副歌不长你们有几个 一起上好了 正义呼唤我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的 |
This is my life.4:43 PM
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haven been blogging.. just didnt find the mood to blog.. why?? dunno.. feeling quite restless nowadays.. feel like so lie down and just let my thoughts fly around.. dun want to think anything about school.. just let my thoughts flow.. is it possible to do this with the lifestyle we are having?? fast-paced.. everything needs to be fast fast fast.. why cant we just slow down for a while and look around us?? we have neglected a lot of things.. sometimes i feel like sitting on a long distance bus that need to go through highways so that way i can see more things and at the same time, (again) let my thoughts flow.. with my radio with me.. its really nice.. i tried it when i traveled to and fro during the time i am working in hougang.. the journey is so erm.. so.. i wun call it relaxing lah cuz going work leh.. but it just feel kind of 舒服.. haha.. may not understand what i mean but if you are as tired as i am now, you definitely hope that you can spend your time in the way you wanted.. really.. uni is not as fun as you thought in the first place.. yes.. more freedom.. but is that what i want?? more freedom?? besides getting the honors degree, i cant think of anything that i want now.. i dun dare to think what can or cannot happen in the next 5 years.. with all these thoughts within me, who can i share it to?? seriously, there is some point of time you wish that you can meet up with your old friends and just dump them with all the whining and stuff.. maybe what i really want is someone that can agree with me.. perhaps.. in any case, i better return back to my lecture notes before i am too carried away with all my whining.. take care!! |
This is my life.10:35 PM
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finally this horrible, 'CA' week is over.. 4 CAs in one week is really very siong.. you don't have a resting day.. i still need to study during my birthday loh.. can't go out.. haha.. although not much celebration (only with my family), i received quite a lot of presents.. haha.. so happy.. my first present is by my parents.. they gave me a necklace.. the pendant is made of some kind of rock.. quite fragile.. cannot drop.. once drop, gone.. i also received another necklace as present.. a star necklace.. should be quite expensive.. it looks expensive to me.. from gl and group.. haha.. my group loh.. then i have also received keychains, handphone accessories and a rubber.. haha.. the design quite cute.. i must say i am quite happy on my birthday.. now about the 4 CAs.. hai.. 2005 ok.. 2010 still ok (if i didn't make too much mistake at the MCQ).. my elective also ok if the answer is relevant.. haha.. cuz the question asks about 语言艺术.. as in asking 'what 语言艺术 did the song writer use in the two phrase of lyric?' i was like 'huh?' don't even know what is 语言艺术.. but i just wrote down whatever i have written during lesson.. hopefully can get some marks.. actually basically, all the four questions is just asking about the meaning of those phrases and the art of lyrics behind those lyrics.. maybe that is referring to 语言艺术.. haha.. not sure lah.. so now i am still considering if i want to s/u this elective.. should i? or should i not? my chinese is not too bad.. but.. aiyah.. u try listening the lecture with all those china people around you.. they seem to know every history, poems and blah blah blah.. but i only have 18 AUs this sem.. i will think about it again.. maybe i won't s/u ba.. since i believe i can manage this elective with other core subjects.. well.. have to make a decision fast.. so after the four horrible CAs.. what's come next is the tech com report.. just had a meeting just now.. quite tiring.. firstly, all of us just finished the CAs so all quite shagged already.. then, we don't know quite a lot of things.. and we are quite clueless as to what to write for the report.. and since we cant continue with the discussion for the results cuz we didnt have the graph with us, we have to leave it to the next meeting.. although it may feel like we didn't achieve anything, but we did manage to write out the methods for the experiment we have done.. and it may also sound like we don't know a lot of things, but we still know what we don't know and it is better than we don't know what we don't know.. so it is a good thing that we know what we don't know.. we will then go find solutions to all the problems.. alright.. leave the research to the weekends.. i will continue with my studying tml.. yeah.. friday is here.. good night! |
This is my life.11:15 PM