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i didnt slp much in lecture today.. haha.. is that a good thing? i bought a wallet for my dad's birthday.. first time really buying something for him.. everything i chip in for the cake only.. the wallet i found it quite nice lor.. i took a long time to decide.. the salesgirl thought i am buying for my boyfriend.. haha.. if yes, i will be very happy to do so.. haha.. hope my dad will like the wallet.. as for school, there will be a quiz next week.. the quiz will be on the two lectures went through by this new lecturer.. mcq quiz.. suppose to be an easy one.. hope it will be easy.. since singapore sale is here already, i intend to buy quite a lot of things.. actually it is still those few that i want.. sport shoes, clothes, necklace (maybe), bag (if any), sandals (for school), shoes (going out de).. haha.. seems a lot.. but in the end, i am not sure if i will really buy a lot.. i have no income.. so have to save a bit.. cant spend a lot.. if my parents are rich, i wun care.. but they arent, so i will save up also.. i cant possibly spend my money just on all these.. i need to enrich myself this holiday.. that's y i signed up for the kickboxing class.. and for this and next week, there will be no kickboxing class.. so if i continue to count, i will miss the last lesson as i will be in camp.. hai.. i will c how.. maybe i will come back for this lesson and go back for the camp the next day.. i will c when is their sp night.. i will definitely go for the sp night.. that is only time i can drink.. haha.. no lah.. i am not bad girl lah.. i am not also the kind wanting to drink like hell.. it is just i can really experience lor.. if dun drink also nvm.. haha.. i have watched this drama '幸福双人床' on channel 8.. quite a nice show.. but i only watch some episodes.. i think this show is really showing the actual senario happening in reality.. the quotes that they said is really true and i found myself nodding in agreement to the quotes.. although i cant rmb the quotes now, but if i have the chance to watch the drama again.. i will try to take note of it.. the quotes do have some meaning and it really makes you think about it.. haha.. you must be feeling strange why i didnt write about any love stories or my 'love theories'.. haha.. and y i didnt talk about him.. yes.. i still think of him sometimes.. but not as frequent as before.. so i believe i can forget him.. as for the love stories and 'love theories' part, i am still looking for some 灵感.. what is it in english? haha.. i also dunno.. once you feel happy, you have found your happiness.. and the happiness is inside your heart.. believe it or not.. one person also can feel happiness.. |
This is my life.11:36 PM
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last entry for the day.. haha.. need to start studying my water resource managment liao.. exams in ard 2 weeks time.. and resutls has been confirmed to be out on 8th of june.. hai.. less than 2 weeks.. hai.. 1 week before my exams.. hope wun 打包 any subjects and wun get any C.. just give me lowest B- and i am very grateful liao.. please.. dun give me any C or any grades lower than C.. just B- and above.. please.. hai.. too late to change anything also.. hai.. alright.. go slp liao.. night.. |
This is my life.1:03 AM
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This is my life.4:59 PM
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This is my life.4:35 PM
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finally back from the senior camp.. haha.. hmm.. well.. i must say some parts of the camp was fun.. made new friends.. although forgot to ask for their contacts.. haha.. first day of games is just knowing your group and games.. we had a very boring shiseido talk.. although the content is quite beneficial to us but the talk is too long.. more like lecture.. like those that need to take tests.. afternoon, we had pool games and 'Tour de NTU'.. i am in-charge of one of the games in 'Tour de NTU'.. haha.. the game is called 'Jump Jump'.. the name made me think of the movie 'Night at the museum'.. the 'Dumb Dumb, give me gum gum'.. haha.. all the jump jump, dumb dumb and gum gum.. haha.. so funny.. anyway, back to the camp, i waited for around 1 hr plus for the first OG.. although we had only 2 OGs, but the waiting time is so long and i slept 40 mins.. haha.. people there studying, i there sleeping.. fortunately, the game is quite well-liked by them.. if not, i really sian liao.. will pon FOC if that's the case.. haha.. but not lah.. then, after dinner, we had night games.. there's this game very the funny.. the girls were being blindfolded and they need to do makeup on the guys' face.. as there is a specific person to follow for the makeup, the guy need to instruct the girl about the location where to do the makeup.. as in like, instruct them to do makeup at the cheek, so guide them to the cheek in order for them to do it.. understand? so some guys tried to escape.. haha.. but it only make it worse.. the girl used more force to draw, so the guy had a hard time cleaning his face.. haha.. so funny lor.. the 'live' show is much more fun.. that's all for abt the first day.. oh.. we slept at hall 16 tv lounge for the night.. omg.. it's so big.. can occupy like 5 to 6 couches.. omg.. the toilet.. wah.. i like it so much lor.. so clean and the shower can change temperature de lor.. haha.. so cool lah.. hall 16 residents, you all are so fortunate.. this goes the same to all hall 3 residents.. omg.. did i mention that the tv lounge is air-conditioned too? haha.. and so it's really comfortable lor.. however, i am still not used to sleeping on a couch instead of floor.. wanted to slp on the floor but the guys slept on the floor so cannot lor.. somemore dunno is one only or more than thatm, i heard the guys snoring lor.. den i cant slp! hai.. but i managed to wake up on time.. haha.. ok.. now back to day 2 activities.. we did some field games, a race like 食字路口 and finally fright at the dragon trail in sentosa.. the first station of the race is chinatown, then tanjong pagar and last station at sentosa where we had our dinner.. i think i missed out one station but nvm lah.. this is only the trial out.. the actual race will be longer.. then the fright night.. just walking into the trail made me scare le.. cuz u cant c anything ma, so will feel scare loh.. plus hearing those insects' sound.. hai.. i am very 胆小 de but i need to scare ppl.. hai.. i am supposed to let them comb my hair.. hai.. no comb leh.. so need to use hand.. but guys hor.. not used to guys touching my hair leh.. so didnt manage to scare anyone except one.. haha.. the only one.. of cuz girl lah.. guy how to scare.. anyway, after the fright night, we went back to our starting point to collect our bags.. and they didnt bring my bag over.. so i have to go back with them to sac to take! when we reached sac, it is alr 12 plus le.. the others supposed to go for supper but they sent me back home first.. now is the funny thing.. the driver went the wrong way and we ended up in cck.. haha.. so he need to turn back again lor.. after they dropped me at my house there, one of the guy walked with me to the block.. haha.. i looked at my watch.. it is alr 1 plus liao.. so late le.. i bathed at ard 2 plus cuz need to drink soup first ma.. i slept at ard 3 plus.. near 330.. haha.. first time so late slp lor.. since i slept so late, i woke up at 12 plus.. ate my lunch and waited for the singtel ppl to install the mio.. until now.. all still ok.. cuz my friend say mio like siao siao de but save money.. haha.. dunno.. observe a few months then i comment.. after the senior camp, my life is back to the slacking mood again.. oh.. need to mention.. i didnt su my water resource managment.. cuz i think there is quite a lot of time to study for it and so i think i should score for this paper.. thus didnt su.. so i must pia for this exam.. soon it will be over and then it is really party time for me liao.. not gg to work.. who will employ someone who can only work for 1 month? hardly anyone.. gg to rest really well for that 1 month before the 2 camps.. i think i need to run a lot for the mse camp.. as for the cac camp, need to speak a lot.. haha.. |
This is my life.4:22 PM
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today we got the new lecturer.. wah.. he is so full of crap.. wat wind & water (风水).. i dun think i haf absorbed anything for the lecture.. haha.. mostly his crap things.. den afternoon lecture leh.. more sian lor.. he didnt even come.. supposed to be 130 start.. but we waited for 1 hr le, he still didnt come.. actually we wanted to leave before 230 de, but we didnt and we say wait for 10 ppl to leave first den we leave.. but it is near 230 liao and only 9 ppl.. haha.. so plus us will be more than 10 le lor.. haha.. funny.. the lecturer hor.. dunno is forget time leh or see the wrong time.. later he come at 330 and no one is there liao.. haha.. dun think he is so blur ba.. haha.. wun be home this wkend.. will be gg for the cac senior camp.. haha.. hope will haf some fun.. cuz i dunno many ppl in cac.. gg to make more new friends le ba.. haha.. ltr will gg for the kickboxing.. will get some slp first.. den haf early dinner den off i go to the kickboxing.. haha.. gg to be fun again.. although cant catch up.. haha.. and i am one of the younger ones there lor.. jialat.. too fat liao.. haha.. ok.. go take a nap liao.. |
This is my life.3:17 PM
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today's 933 a bit sad.. it is a segment where listeners can sms in how they feel.. the segment is called "交换心情".. so it is about saying out your feelings, how you feel.. and most of the sms are about demoralising things.. like cant find job, love problems, health problems, school work, job, etc.. didnt hear any good things until now.. hai.. so it sort of make me feeling a bit sad also.. make me think of him again.. not like i didnt think of him for a long time lah.. still got now and then.. but not like now.. actually i am preparing for a test tml.. and i have not yet finished studying also.. so thinking of him now slow my studies down.. well.. you cant do two things at the same time.. it is either you study or think of him.. i just jump between the two.. so it is quite frustrating also.. go back finish studying den go slp liao.. night.. |
This is my life.12:54 AM
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hihi.. back to blogging.. must be thinking y i didnt blog for the past 3 days right? haha.. stayed at home this weekend.. only went out on sat.. went for sec sch gathering.. bbq at pasir ris park.. as usual, since i dunno how to go, i haf to ask my friend to go there with me.. so we met and went there tgt.. although she noe which bus to take, but she dunno which stop to alight.. haha.. when we were queueing up for bus 354, we saw our friends.. haha.. so i tot finally we can rely on some ppl.. but in the end, they are not sure where to alight.. and we just follow other ppl.. cuz most ppl alighted at that stop.. den again we dunno which dirn to walk.. haha.. and we followed a grp of ppl and ended up lost.. haha.. funny how a grp of ppl can be lost.. but we still managed to find the pit.. haha.. the gathering was fun as i have not seen them for quite a long long time.. i can say for most of them we didnt meet for around 4 yrs ba.. hai.. such a long time.. we are all old le.. everyone of them changed alot.. more mature.. some of them still as funny as before.. haha.. the gathering really brings back the good memories i had in 4e1.. although i may not rmb every one of the memories, but i really appreciate and are grateful to meet this bunch of friends.. i haf not get the group photo yet.. will upload the next time after i have gotten it.. hope another gathering is near.. lastly, may we be good friends forever.. good luck, good friends! |
This is my life.12:44 AM
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today is the first kickboxing lesson.. wah.. so tiring.. maybe bcuz i never exercise for a long time le ba.. haha.. sometimes can catch up sometimes cant.. haha.. but still fun lah.. shld get better each lesson ba.. there is a total of 8 lessons.. haha.. really sweat lor.. haha.. so fun.. i went with my sis and my mum.. haha.. 3 of us joined this kickboxing course together.. haha.. cool right? haha.. the pace is quite fast sometimes.. overall, very fun.. haha.. looking forward to the next lesson.. now is officially friday le.. haha.. tml will be gg to sec sch gathering.. finally.. gg to one of the gathering.. bbq at the pasir ris park.. at first cant go de.. cuz clash with one of my camps.. thankfully the date can be changed.. so yup.. gg to enjoy myself again this sat.. haha.. miss my sec sch friends.. wonder how they are doing now.. all doing well? shld be ba.. haha.. helping them to ans.. haha.. today's lesson very boring.. and i can say i slept most of the time.. haha.. dun be surprised.. i am a 'sleeper' during lecture.. it's not a new thing le.. haha.. we had 3 mass tutorials alr.. and our grp.. hmm.. i can say quite efficient ba.. as in we can always finish before the time limit.. especially today we have only 10 mins to finish the tutorial.. haha.. but the sad thing is.. next week test liao.. omg.. so fast.. need to study for it.. haiz.. all seem so difficult and i have been sleeping for the past few lectures including today's lecture also.. haha.. die liao.. although is mcq lah, but hor.. dun underestimate mcq.. they can be very difficult also.. haha.. can kill you if you not careful.. haha.. so serious hor.. haha.. go do other things liao.. good night! |
This is my life.12:33 AM
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feeling a bit better now.. but still.. u noe lah.. it takes time.. time to forget.. time to think.. time to reflect.. time to move on.. u may think i am having a sad time right now.. well.. maybe it can be considered as one.. but not like gg to die lidat.. i'm still ok.. sometimes just need to express my feelings.. if cant say to someone, i will just write it here.. omg.. i keep contradicting myself.. aiyah.. dunno lah.. sometimes i am confused abt it also.. do i really like him? haha.. u must be thinking 我在自寻烦恼 but it is quite an impt qn.. if yes, i may continue waiting and not like wat i wrote in the previous entry abt forgetting him.. if no, den i will forget him.. but right now, i dunno even noe the ans to tat qn.. so now wat am i gg to do? haha.. just wait and c lor.. if i still think of him, shld be yes ba.. gg slp liao.. night.. |
This is my life.12:19 AM
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do you have the sudden urge to cry? it's strange why i always feel this way during late night.. not like i have experienced bad things.. i just feel this way.. but want to cry yet no tears.. 想哭却哭不出.. yup.. is this feeling.. dunno what is the thing that makes me feel like crying.. now no exams.. no tutorials to do.. although there will be one exam in jun.. but i dun think that's the problem.. what is the problem den? i have thinked abt this qn.. puzzled at how human thinks.. guys and girls.. girls.. many guys think girls are really strange.. cant seem to know what we are thinking.. is that so? me not sure myself.. being mysterious?? haha.. dun think so ba.. guys' mind are also quite difficult to predict.. anyway, how to predict one's mind? it's not easy.. even close friends may not even have the correct guess.. den how two ppl get tgt? fate.. ya.. wat else? just fate? fate brings them tgt.. fate let them noe each other.. fate did the introduction.. den what happen after the introduction? does fate carry on the job? tough, isn't it? being in relationship is such a nice thing but yet somehow it can torture ppl.. how it torture? just thinking wat the other person is thinking is very torturing.. if two person alr on gd terms, the torture part will be sweet.. if the two person have not start the relationship, den here's the torturing part.. am i being too extreme? using the word 'torture'.. hai.. back to the start, is the 'love' making me sad? the reason behind my sadness? is it? i also dunno.. i will put it behind me.. i will try to forget him.. i noe i will meet someone better.. if it's not him, den i will continue waiting.. no point holding on.. want to talk to him abt it but.. hai.. wats the point of doing so? dunno the reason y.. but just feel no point in doing so.. no point.. i didnt say anything to him, but somehow i feel that he noes.. how he noe i dunno.. whether he noe i dun care.. if he noe, how he feel abt it i also dunno.. want to forget him.. want to free from thinking of him everyday.. u must think i v stupid to hold on to such a relationship.. a relationship with no starting and no ending.. a cant work out relationship.. some ppl may think i am jumping to conclusion.. cuz i dunno how he feel and whether he noe and everything.. like wat i said before.. follow your feelings.. so i am following mine.. i feel he wun like me.. so i choose to forget.. u may feel tat i think too much.. just let things be.. some things i can.. but not this.. cant expect me thinking will he like me everyday.. as if i will die without him.. sometimes i feel that i am contradicting.. i like him but yet want to forget him.. u c the point?? u noe how i am feeling? talking abt him just make me feel more sad.. hai.. go do other things le.. night.. |
This is my life.1:06 AM
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my friend intro me this game: Bell. Go and play ba.. think you will enjoy it.. haha.. night.. |
This is my life.1:43 AM
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我又要用华文了!哈哈!我实在是太闷了!虽然我是可以读我的lecture notes,但却无法提起精神读。只好又来写部落格。星期三刚开课,下了课又有CAC meeting,过后一起吃饭。到了Heeren 的Vilage,我应该没写错吧。哈哈!我也忘了。那边的食物还算可以,不会说特别好吃还是什么,我最喜欢的是Rosti with Cheese Pork。哇!简直是人间美味!哈哈!如果有机会再回去吃,我只会叫那样而已。我忘了是多少钱,但我还是会回去吃,偶尔宠一宠自己是应该的,读书是那么的辛苦,不奖励一下自己,哪里说得过去。哈哈!都是我的歪理!我们吃完晚餐后,我和另外两个朋友就回家了,剩下的就去唱歌。我隔天有上课所以没有一起去,但我想就算隔天没有课我也应该不会去。哈哈!不要丢脸比较好! 啊!好无聊,老是没有动力去做任何的事。到底怎么了?虽然是假期,也不能这样浪费时间。啊!怎么办?哈哈!今天我就介绍一些歌曲吧!突然想到满多首的。 1.《我可以》蔡昮佑 2.《爱情转移》陈奕迅 3.《中国话》S.H.E. 就这三首吧!我知道我每次介绍歌曲都会写出歌曲的意思,这次我只会写出我的听后感。蔡昮佑的《我可以》让我很感动,每次听到都会在想如果有人会唱给我听有多好。歌词很简单,但却能够带出男生对女生的情谊。有人唱给我听就好了。但这首歌我觉得带点伤感,似乎好像男生被抛弃的感觉或是在暗恋一个女生。所以,这首应该不是一首能够唱给女朋友的歌吧!哈哈!但如果女朋友爱听,那就唱吧!第二首《爱情转移》就让我无法完全理解。可能要听多几次吧,这样才能够真正的欣赏。旋律好听,歌词写得也不错,虽然无法理解,但还是一首好歌。听听看吧,我相信会慢慢爱上它的。最后一首了,这首就是首快歌了。绕口令加rap是蛮新鲜的。哈哈!第一次听就喜欢了,哈哈,所以我相信大家都应该爱上这首歌了吧!好了,我也累了,睡觉咯!晚安! |
This is my life.12:42 AM
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my com is back in action again!! haha.. the engineer said the problem may be due to the ram or the video card not secure tightly or bcuz of the dunno wat software not updated.. haha.. anyway, my com is back!! haha.. lidat i no need to compete with my mum for her com liao.. haha.. wed gg to start the special term liao.. still haven figure out what should i do during this holiday.. take course to enrich myself? find part-time job? practice my keyboard? or just rot at home? really.. finally bored liao.. and the holiday is so long.. there are some things i want to do.. rebond my hair.. buy clothes.. buy sport shoes.. watch harry potter.. buy presents.. although haf things to do lah.. but just dun seem to have the motivation to move myself out of the house.. haha.. lazy pig.. haha.. |
This is my life.11:46 PM
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hai.. my computer spoilt on the second day of the holidays.. hai.. dunno what happen to it also lah.. spoilt so often.. jan one time.. march two times.. now the fourth time liao leh.. sian lor.. dun trust nec liao.. i am using my parents' com now lor.. hai.. what have i done during the past few days? i arranged my notes.. i tidied up my table.. i sleep alot.. haha.. i also continue my unfinished cross-stitch.. haha.. going to finish le.. haha.. i still a few more, new one.. maybe can start one soon.. after i finish this one.. haha.. really can pass time lor.. haha.. just doing one colour can use up one day.. sometimes more than that.. i slow ma.. haha.. not going anywhere this holiday.. this is the same for every holiday.. haha.. saturday i received a miss call from my previous employer.. the principle of the tuition center i have worked after my a levels.. i supposed she wants me to go back to help her ba.. cuz i asked my friend.. she told me the principle need some help.. haha.. boon lay to hougang quite far wor.. but she also didnt call again.. maybe she give up liao.. haha.. i dun think i will agree also ba.. since i can work mon, tue and fri.. and the distance is so far.. the transport cost will be quite high also.. haha.. my sis gg to help look for some data entry job.. dunno leh.. haha.. c first ba.. if haf some allowance of cuz good lah.. if dun haf.. hai.. den forget it lor.. |
This is my life.12:05 PM
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爱情专家又闷了。但现在又没有什么道理好讲,该怎么办呢?让我想一想到底我能够分享什么。。哦!想到了!我今天分享的是我一个朋友的故事,我希望我那位朋友不会怪我。其实这件事应该也是一些情侣的问题吧。他和他的女朋友是属于不同宗教的。他是佛教徒(我应该没记错吧。。),而他的女朋友是基督教徒。所以,问题就来了。因为他们的宗教信仰,他们有一些意见不和。 我以前有想过到底什么事能够让一对情侣分开?不是我神经。我想到的理由有很多。一,性格不和。二,想法不同,无法心连心。三,就是宗教了。其实还有一个但我觉得有些人可能不认同,那就是父母反对。理由一很明显,如果两个人一见面就吵架,那他们怎样一起生活?我举个例子吧,两个人都是强者,两个人都要对方听他的,两个人都一意孤行,这样的恋情怎样维持?这个例子有点极端。哈哈!我也想不到一个更好的了,就将就一下吧。第一个理由和第二个理由其实有一点关联。就因为性格不和,想法自然而然也会不同 。你说有没有道理?至于第三个理由,这就麻烦了。因为这种宗教的事不是说改就能改的,每个人相信什么宗教都有他们自己的道理,不能说他们对还是错,因为根本不是一个能够判断对错的事。这个是很个人的。所以,当情侣碰到这种问题通常是分手收场。因此,但我听到我朋友跟我讲这件事时,我有点为他难过,因为我担心他们会分手。真的要祝他好运,希望事情不会是我想得这样。终于,第四个理由让我有点困惑。虽然说父母有权管我们的终身大事,但是不是也该站在我们的立场想一想。当然他们做的每一个决定都是为了我们的好,他们可以给我们意见,可以帮我们看看对方是否适合。至于是否会和对方结婚是不是应该有我们自己决定?如果我们的决定是错的导致我们得以离婚收场,那我们自己来承担。不跌到又怎么能够明白路要怎么走?我写了这样多让我自己也有点乱了。哈哈!其实不管什么理由都好,情侣之间要保持良好的沟通。敢问世上哪对情侣没吵过架,从来没有问题的?当然没有!所谓家家有本难念的经。每对情侣都有他们自己的问题。最后,在这里祝福所有情侣,希望你们要多沟通,多了解,多体谅,多关心,这样你们才能够长久。哈哈!有没有道理呢? 我知道你们一定在想为什么我一直用华文来写我的部落格,为什么呢?如果有常读我的部落格的人应该知道,用华文写部落格是我打发时间的一个方式。哈哈!怪吧!也没办法,我就是这样。哈哈!好了,我累了。再见! |
This is my life.11:36 PM
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haha.. finally over le.. exams finally over le.. in holiday mood liao.. although still haf special term lah, but hor.. aiyah.. just noe i in holiday mood can liao.. can ask me out liao.. (as if there will be any lidat..) actually now in sch lib.. haha.. printing the notes for the water resource.. haha.. going jp later to shop.. haha.. dunno whether will buy anything just walk walk ard lor.. haha.. actually exams over also sian de lor.. why? cuz u need to think of something to do everyday.. if everyday do the same thing, wah.. u can imagine how sian u will be lor.. haha.. 爱情专家have nothing to do liao.. sian ar.. if u haf any love problems, pls feel free to tag.. haha.. (as if i am expert like tat.. haha..) sigining off.. |
This is my life.3:48 PM
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i am super sian now.. physics physics everyday.. i haven try any questions yet lor.. i am so worried lah.. physics need practice and i didnt practice anything yet.. i think i can only finish the past year papers lah.. i hope to do some qns from the textbook.. but it seems like there is no time for that.. feel like screaming.. how i wish i live near a beach.. the sea view can calm me down.. i think a lot of people would like to live by the beach.. quiet, calm.. peace.. of cuz not with those tsunami lah.. make a trip to the beach once in awhile.. it will sort of take away your stress.. really.. i really love being at beach.. it feels so good.. last time i been to a beach is that time i went sentosa.. hmm.. i think few months ago ba.. the feeling is so good lor.. but i only stayed there for awhile only.. wish i can stay longer.. hai.. since physics is the last paper alr, the next qn on mind is what shld i do with my holidays.. hai. special term studies, camps and then wat?? special term studies is only 2 working days per week.. it will last till mid june.. cuz the exam is in mid june.. and camps is last half of july.. so from mid june to mid july.. what shld i do.. slack at home?? find a job?? who will employ someone who can work for one month only?? hardly anyone ba.. maybe shld just slack at home.. since once start sch the busy lifestyle will be back again.. haha.. today must finish the last ch and read through all the tuts and if still haf time do some qns from textbook, if not just leave it.. tml do past year papers.. yep.. that's it.. haha.. going off now.. cya.. |
This is my life.6:13 PM