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♥ Friday, March 30, 2007
today want to just introduce song i have listened on 933 today.. first song is 第九夜 by Coco Lee and the second song is 你那么爱他 by 李圣杰..

this is the chorus for 第九夜:
在这第九夜 没有你的我
过去这期间 我的无所谓

过了第九夜 我想用一切
想念 那窗外却已天黑 天黑

if i didnt interpret the song wrongly, it should be about missing someone.. my own feeling lah.. haha.. the next song also quite nice..

i copied the whole song down..
直到爱消失 你才懂得 去珍惜身边每个
美好风景 只是他早已离去
直到你想通 他早已经 不再对你留恋
最后的你 开始了一段挣扎
你那么爱他 为什么不把他留下

你那么爱他 为什么不把她留下


所以你不想再让自己 无法自拔

another song that i think is a sad song.. one must really treasure what u have.. previously, i have been asking around what is fate, does love depends on fate.. and most of the ans i have gotten is yes.. love depends on fate.. i think somehow it is true.. it is really fate for two people to meet.. and it also that fate that makes them be together.. dun do anything that u will regret it in the future.. if u like someone or love someone, say it before it's too late.. easier said than done.. haha.. anyway, enjoy this two songs.. those who like this kind shld love it.. haha..

This is my life.12:52 AM

♥ Thursday, March 29, 2007
today i heard this very long never hear the song.. it is 曙光 by Sharon Au.. a really nice and touching song..



等待天亮 期待曙光


i like the chorus very much.. it brings out hope.. this song basically talking about life.. life is always full of changes.. it depends on you to make a difference to make it more 'lively', more 'colourful'.. always maintain hope.. not matter how worse the situation you are in, always believe in hope.. there will always be hope that will light up your world.. believe in that light.. no one will have no troubles.. somehow, someway u will have problems, obstacles in your way.. whether u will be happy or not, it all depends on yourself.. so i think this song is good song for those who think that their life is so sad.. so no life.. listen to this song ba.. it will make u feel better.. i have a long never hear this song le.. so just now when i am walking home, i heard this song on 933.. at that moment, many thoughts went thru my mind.. so i wanted to 'blog' it down.. i will continue to introduce more nice songs.. i think i really like this kind of songs that can motivate ppl.. anyway, that's all for today.. enjoy the song! =)

This is my life.12:06 AM

♥ Monday, March 26, 2007
haiz.. today i dunno what happened to me.. many bad things happened.. first, after lab, i went to print notes.. the cashcard got problem.. this one nvm.. i got my ez-link with me.. after lunch, went to lib 2 to do my symmetry quiz.. on the way down the staircase, i missed one step and i fell down.. my knee got injured.. bruise only lah.. tat's my right knee.. den my left leg dunno how also pain.. think muscle pull or something.. walk pain means injured liao.. this is not all.. after i did the quiz.. my grade is 'F'.. i haf never ever score 'F'.. this is damn disappointing.. i can say that my mood dropped to the bottom.. really dun feel like toking.. feel like.. feel like.. feel like shit.. i dun haf other words, sorry! i tot this is the worst thing that can happen to me liao.. den i went home after german and the first thing my mum told me is my com die liao.. the same old problem again.. and this time is even faster.. it is not even one month since the last repair.. now i noe why ppl dun like mon liao.. always haf mon blues.. maybe bcuz all bad things always happen on mon.. den after my shower, i received sms that i need to fill in the giro form for credit for my student ambassador thing.. and need to be submitted to the office of finance by wed.. which means tml i need to go to the bank and come back to sch again to submit the form.. haiz.. why is everything happening all at once? although some i can manage and can tahan, but isn't it too much for me to take? i may not show my displeasure or unhappiness sometimes, but when i really show it out, better dun disturb me.. i may still control my temper but i cant guarantee that my tone will be like normal times.. i am like disclosing a bad part of me to your.. haiz.. maybe i dun wan your to misunderstand.. when really there's a time like this.. dun get it the wrong way.. it is not your problem but mine.. haiz.. my mood is damn terrible now.. feel like crying but no tears.. wanted to shout but cant.. wanted to complain to someone but scared i'm wasting their time.. wanted to study but no mood.. maybe i just make notes for my german or my eff com den i go slp le.. haiz.. a blue monday, a stupid me.. haiz..

This is my life.10:41 PM

♥ Sunday, March 25, 2007
i am doing a johari window for my friend just now.. so thought of creating one myself.. i never knew sometimes i learnt in eff com and interpersonal com can really become a program.. haha.. cool, isnt it? go to this url.. http://kevan.org/johari?name=snow_87 you can create your own also.. go try it.. it's fun..

anyway, i finally studied my series and sequence and understand it le.. haha.. big achievement.. den finished half of my german homework.. will finish it by today.. den maybe rest lor.. think i really chiong too much le, making myself so stress.. i really cant handle stress.. haha.. so i will make sure from now onwards, i will just finish my goals and that's it.. haha..

do you haf times when u dun want to tok to someone? or just dun want to tok? i think everyone shld haf.. it is a kind of personal space.. where u dun want anyone to intrude.. where u want to just do your own stuff.. where you want to be yourself.. to me, everyone haf 2 sides.. the personal side and the 'outer' side.. the 'outer' side of me may seems cheerful.. but i may not be that way.. so which side of me do i like? the personal side? or the 'outer' side? i dunno also.. you just think about it loh.. how many times you wanted to be alone and how many times you wanted to haf someone to tok to.. the next entry may be next week.. haha.. become weekly blogger already..

This is my life.6:45 PM

♥ Monday, March 19, 2007
today not a tired day for me.. but somehow lost the concentration again.. the only good thing is i understand wat is being taught in german today.. haha.. but not sure noe how to use anot.. stress loh during the german cls.. the teacher can just spill out a group of german words (instructions lah..) and never translate in english.. just guessing the meaning can kill me liao.. i promise i wun take language anymore for the rest of my uni life.. i haf enough of all these stress.. haiz..

muz study maths this week and i plan to finish until sequence and series by this wk.. and for phy, is until the chap 23.. for chem, make short summary for the physical chem.. as for computing, finish the tut 9 before this wed tut.. for german (the most problematic..), muz start writing the presentation for the oral le.. need to write four leh.. cuz on that day den draw lots to see which topic you presenting.. there is 4 topic.. haiz.. although we can prepare beforehand, but 4 is a bit too much le.. plus this oral consists of 3 parts.. first is the presentation.. next is the reading of one short paragraph and u must noe the meaning.. this section also can prepare.. but same as the first one.. you need to prepare the four paragraphs.. the 4 paragraphs are given but remembering the pronunciation of the words can kill me.. last is the answering of 3 questions on the spot.. so this i can dun care.. i may not even understand what she ask loh.. den i will just be stunned down there.. haha.. worst come to worst.. reply in english.. haha.. become english oral den..

i am looking through my previous entries and i realised i haf a lot of time but i am not using it for studying.. like wat i am doing now.. haha.. blogging.. sometimes u are just not in the mood to study but yet u haf to force urself to study.. isn't it sad? to have this kind of studying stress.. my teacher in sec sch always advice me to make myself happy during studying so u will somehow but i dunno how haf the motivation to study.. weird right? haha.. anyway.. i gg slp le.. night ppl!!

This is my life.10:56 PM

♥ Sunday, March 18, 2007
just now watching 仁心慈爱照万千.. 五月天是帅的咯!! haha.. anyway, besides that, the performances by the rest of the artiste is considered ok lor.. the part when 明义法师 need to go vertically up the building is the most touching.. he dun need to do this kind of stuff de loh.. but he carry on.. his determination, his caring towards his patients, his bravery, his kindness really touches me.. ya.. some of you may say all these is just a show only.. but to me, it's not just a show.. it's the spirit.. the way he sacrifice for his patients, the way he can withstand all challenges and go up all the way.. he really worth my respect.. i hope to call more but now a bit tight.. i will support again next year.. not only because of 明义法师 but because the patients there really need our help.. all their stories really very touching..

today studied chem and german.. the german took my whole day lah.. idiot.. i not gg to take language anymore.. i haven started preparing for my oral lah.. die le lah.. hai.. maths haven start also.. how how how?? the more u want to concentrate, the more you cant.. haiz.. this is wat i experience whenever i wanted to start studying.. i am not the type like can sit there study, really study.. no computer, no msn, no sms.. i not like tat.. halfway i will play computer games or go out walk walk around then come back study again.. it's really wasting time loh.. study at school also sian.. cuz dun haf the comfot of home.. but study at home, too much comfort le.. haiz.. wat to do?? cannot cannot.. must really study.. exactly 1 month to exam le.. so i try to stop blogging during this period.. i hope lah.. but i think wun lah.. haha.. blogging has became one of my relieving stress method le.. so jia you loh.. we will survive through this period de.. JIA YOU!!

This is my life.11:19 PM

just now listen to this song by 吴克群.. it is 明天过后.. quite a nice song.. can sense the love within the song.. a gd song to sing to ur gf.. haha.. i think so lah.. i love this part..

我相信抱著 你的手就温暖了
睡著或醒著 我的手为你加温
就算明天崩塌又如何 我们手握著
外面天再冷 全都由我负责
这世界再冷 你的心不 会冷

nice right? looking forward to the day when someone will sing me this song.. haha.. actually quite a lot of nice songs that i hope someone will sing for me.. haha.. greedy ma.. anyway, go listen to this song ba.. you will be touched by it..

This is my life.12:01 AM

♥ Saturday, March 17, 2007
haf been studying the whole day.. haiz.. wat a boring day.. one month more to exam.. and i am just starting only.. the speed is also very slow.. i hope i can make it for this exam.. meaning scoring some As.. in order to pull up my GPA.. haiz.. maths is the first paper and i have not begin revising.. i haf to prepare for my german oral also.. haiz.. which is on the 9th of april.. haiz.. which is like 3 weeks from now.. haiz.. sure die one loh.. lucky su le.. but need to get at least a C to get the S.. haiz.. now depend on the final paper.. if that one die, den gone liao.. haiz.. even maths and chem which is my strongest subject, i am not confident about it.. how can i be confident with the rest of the subjects.. haiz..

i guess those reading my blog will be so stress by it.. cuz i only tot about school work and stress.. but if i dun tok abt this, i will write abt my feelings le.. den it will become sentimental le.. haha.. i dunno why i feel lonely easily.. i really want to know that i am of some importance to someone.. it really will give me the motivation to carry on.. sounds like i want to commit suicide lidat.. haha.. but really, sometimes u feel like u wasting your life.. sometimes i am asking myself why am i so lonely.. what is the point of living? what do i want to achieve in life? just grades? just the cert? just the honours degree? wat else i want to achieve? really bothering me.. i tot i will become more sociable in uni.. ya.. i speak more now as compared to the past.. but am i sociable? or i am still so anti-social? i think only my friends will noe the ans.. probably those that noe me from the past until now.. they will see the difference in me.. but actually, i think i didnt change much.. except i am taller, fatter now.. haha.. lol..

i have decided for the next 1 month, i must study hard so tat during the 3 months break, i can play with no worries.. yes.. i must do that.. dun slp anymore in lectures.. decrease the no of naps, increase my efficiency for studying.. so maybe i wun blog as often as i am doing now.. haha.. anyway not many ppl reading also.. haha.. so ok.. back to studying now.. i must get some As for this exam.. jia you!! =)

This is my life.11:09 PM

♥ Friday, March 16, 2007
last night slept at 230 plus.. haiz.. slping later n later.. haiz.. cant help it.. got work to finish.. cant bring empty paper to cls right? today will be earlier compared to ytd.. haha.. now alr fri.. haha.. later maths quiz.. hope i can manage.. sequences and series and the multiple variables.. haiz.. wat double integral and triple integral.. hope can manage ba.. haiz.. very tired now.. maybe go slp now.. den tml i can do more stuff.. 休息是为了走更长远的路。last thing, my chem tutor said we did well for the quiz.. haha.. gd.. at least i noe i am doing well in something.. haha.. ok.. go slp le.. night!

This is my life.12:36 AM

♥ Thursday, March 15, 2007
gg slp soon.. haha.. blog a little.. today is a long long day for me.. but surprisingly, i didnt feel super tired or feel like sleeping.. haha.. dunno y.. even until just now meeting end, i still feel quite ok.. not in the sleepy mode.. haha.. the previous night i slept at ard 2am loh.. shld feel tired de.. but somehow, just dun feel it.. haha.. now very tired le lah.. haha..

oh.. another thing.. today went to crash another phy tut.. cuz it's the pregnant woman teaching ma.. she's good lor.. can understand what she said.. haha.. never see so many ppl in a single tutorial lor.. ard 50 ppl leh.. cuz 1 tutorial grp only ard 20+ ppl ma.. den today ard 50 ppl.. so u can c how good this teacher is.. haha.. she is really good.. haha.. lucky i asked my friend to help me 'book' seat.. if not, haiz, no choice.. haf to attend that china man tut.. which i think is of no help de.. maybe just give me opportunity to study lah.. but definitely not phy.. haha.. i dun understand wat he said during lect lor.. how can i understand him in tut.. maybe this fri, i shld attend and c how.. haha.. but his english lah.. haiz.. did they have any bridging course when they came to singapore like those china students? they should haf some loh.. omg.. their english.. although mine is not good also lah, but theirs is really cant make it.. haiz.. alright.. go slp liao.. night.. =)

This is my life.2:27 AM

♥ Wednesday, March 14, 2007
sometimes, we will periods of 低潮and 高潮.. now i am in the 低潮period.. haiz.. life is so sian with all work and no fun.. sometimes u dun even noe what u are doing and that's the worst part.. doing something u dunno.. realized everyone of us has a hidden self.. for me, it's true.. when i am with my friends, i may appear cheerful.. when i'm with my family, i may appear talkative and stubborn.. when i'm alone, i dunno how i may appear.. i just noe that i dunno ppl to interrupt me.. dun tok to me when i am alone.. tml will be a long long day for me.. only 1 hr break.. haiz.. somemore after sch have cac meeting.. haiz.. i always feel moody on wed.. so my temper may not be so good.. dunno lah.. told u lor.. moody=mood swing.. haiz.. sian.. i want a long long break!

This is my life.12:23 AM

♥ Monday, March 12, 2007
got back my german test.. i failed.. haiz.. damn sad now.. haiz..

This is my life.9:55 PM

♥ Sunday, March 11, 2007
haiz.. today is a super tiring day.. maybe cuz ytd is the open house so haven rest enough den need to study le.. haiz.. but i just open the book for 15 mins den i went back to slp for the whole morning until lunch.. whole day is used for studying.. sian..

just now watched 'Scoopy Doo: The unleashed of the monsters' on channel 5.. the title shld be lidat.. quite funny.. but also very stupid.. u cant imagine all those stupid stuff scoopy and shaggy have done.. omg.. so stupid.. haha.. not really stupid lah.. stupid in the sense that it is really very funny.. haha..

1 more month to exams.. haiz.. jia you!!

This is my life.11:52 PM

♥ Saturday, March 10, 2007
today is the ntu open house.. as there is only one day, we expect a huge crowd.. and indeed.. especially during lunch time.. very scary lah.. u will be wondering where all this ppl come from.. coming from all directions.. at first, dunno how to approach ppl.. u cant possibly approach them and say 'hi, do u need my help?' cannot ma.. they sure need my help de ma.. n sometimes they are chit-chatting in a group.. u also cant possibly just charged in and just start talking de ma.. they will find u very irritating de lor.. i prefer to approach girls rather than guys.. girls are more friendly and the way they look at u right.. is not so scary.. the guys ar.. like very strict lidat.. very cool, quiet.. wun tok much.. haha.. usually i'm not the one to start a conversation in the grp.. but as ambassador, i'm supposed to mingle ard with them.. so in a way, tok crap lor.. haha.. not really lah.. but i did meet some nice souls ard and i also met my friend.. haha.. he's in army now, tot he not coming.. haha.. so surprised to see him.. i also met this family.. a guys with his parents.. he is only j2 and come surveying liao.. so hardworking.. actually i also did in my j2.. i went to nus.. haha.. anyway, they asked alot of qns and i think i have given them the apropriate ans.. haha.. enjoyed chatting with them.. but very thirsty.. cuz i chatted with them for about 2hrs.. omg.. and is non-stop.. u will never c me tok for so long de lor.. and at the top of my voice cuz at the quad.. many ppl very noisy.. but we moved inside nanyang auditorium and stayed inside and chat.. haha.. much much much much better.. cuz quieter and plus got air-con.. haha.. told them abt lots of stuff.. from hall allocation scheme to hall life to the course he want (business or accountancy) to school stuff (including the course i'm in) to engineering courses to communication studies to the discussion whether if there is any future studying chinese in ntu to jc subjects combination to double degree to (back to) business and accountancy to looking through the ureca projects with them and finally bring them to lt2.. so can u imagine how much stuff have i said.. cant believe myself can tok so much and all about business lor.. mostly lah.. the auntie asked me alot about my course.. cuz her younger son is interested in engineering field and he is only in sec. 4 and she already starting to help him plan le.. the parents are quite nice.. they really listened carefully to what i have said.. although i need to repeat sometimes and felt quite irritated abt that, but overall they are considered good liao.. at least they asking u something.. not toking crap with u or just whinning there.. this kind is super irritating.. like one of grp members.. he got this parents where the lady kept saying 'there's no ADM booth, y r ur kept saying it's inside? some say have and some say dun....' the conversation shld be something lidat.. cuz i not there ma, also cant help with anything.. den after entertaining the parents, he is damn irritated liao.. some parents are really lidat.. especially english speaking parents.. not i biased against them or what.. but they really quite arrogant sometimes... (i hope i spell the word correctly.. haha..) feeling tired liao.. go slp le.. i nearly lose my voice lor.. cuz tok at the top of my voice for too long liao.. forget to shift my position to a quieter position to speak to the guy's parents.. haha.. forget.. anyway, go slp now.. although very tired today, but it is really a fun experience for me.. haha.. will consider joining next yr.. i made new friends also.. ya.. so quite a good thing.. haha.. hope next yr more friends will join with me.. haha.. ok.. now really gg slp liao.. eyelid kept dropping down.. haha.. good night!! =)

This is my life.10:28 PM

♥ Friday, March 09, 2007
doing maths and phy tut just now.. haiz.. ok la.. some dunno lor.. tml have open house rehearsal at 6.30pm.. i think i mention it in the last entry.. haha.. anyway, open house is sat and so my sat is gone.. left sunday for studying.. haiz.. i haf to start my revising now lor.. haiz.. i still lagging behind.. my maths, my phy, my german.. need to make notes.. haiz.. so many things to do.. 24 hrs is not enough for me.. how i wish i dun need to slp lor.. den i can work longer.. haiz..

actually i seem to be quite free right? cuz i blog almost everyday.. haha.. sian liao den come blog de.. most of the time i wun switch on com de.. very difficult to concentrate wif com on.. and also waste electricity since i'm not using..

as for the things i need to do, i must make a list le.. and make a study timetable.. ya.. i must.. must do well.. must pull up my gpa.. alright.. back to my work now.. haiz.. sian..

This is my life.12:27 AM

♥ Wednesday, March 07, 2007
today have 2 quizes.. computing and german.. computing still ok.. i know how to do.. but the german.. haiz.. dun tok about it.. if i can pass, i will very happy le..

dunno is it because of the german quiz or other factors, feel so sad right now.. dun haf the mood to do formal report or study for the chem quiz tml.. i also not sure if i need to do the chem tut.. i also have not done my physics and maths tut.. i have so much to catch up. have open house rehearsal on friday.. and it is from 630 to 8 some more.. can't they just push forward the time? make it earlier. it's friday lor.. i dun want to spend my friday night there lor.. haiz.. really very sad.. i am always not used to expressing my feelings to other people.. guess those who noe me shld noe.. u need to be really know me before i will tell u anything.. some people say toking about family is very personal.. i dun think so.. i think when u really get to know someone, u can tok about anything.. even things that are personal.. at that point, then can say both of them really know each other.. i not sure also.. am i someone who always kept things to myself or am i someone that will tell everything to my friend as in i wun bottle my feelings inside me.. haiz.. i always think i wun expressed myself.. but sometimes i realized i can tok alot to a friend.. but are those things i have said personal? i really dunno lah.. haiz.. who really noe me?

really feel like crying loh.. i really cant handle stress.. since sec sch, i tot i can handle stress.. but i was wrong.. during sec 4, before the 'o' levels, 我崩溃了.. it is after the social studies class.. i was waiting for my friend cuz she asking teacher some qns.. i just sat down there and i dunno y i just cried.. all my friends were stunned.. even the teacher also stunned.. he quickly came to tok to me.. at that time, my social studies can be considered as one of the worst in the class.. never pass.. i am very worried at that time that i will fail social studies.. after that incident, teacher gave me one-to-one tuition and my social studies improved tremendously.. this is not the only time.. in jc also happen but not in sch.. it happened at home.. i am alone at home, studying for the 'a' levels.. cant get the concept through, suddenly feel very hopeless and not sure wat to do.. 又再次崩溃.. haiz.. i really dun want this to happen in uni.. it makes me feel so childish or i shld say useless.. dunno lah.. go back to formal report le.. take care!

This is my life.11:01 PM

♥ Monday, March 05, 2007


This is my life.11:07 PM

♥ Sunday, March 04, 2007
now monday liao.. haiz.. so fast.. anyway, ytd i went to my grandparents house.. cuz 元宵 ma.. so need to go back eat lunch.. haha.. dunno y.. and i got a red packet! haha.. it is from my 姑姑.. cuz 初一 we didnt meet ma, so the red packet left with my grandmum.. but she forgot to bring when she came to my house for steamboat last week.. haha.. so last day of cny still got red packet.. haha..

i'm so stress lah.. 4 quizes, lab report, tutorials and all the revising.. haiz.. i told myself to start study for exams after the recess week.. looks like it's not going as i have planned.. haiz.. wat to do.. me need time to digest all the crazy things.. haiz.. no fun at all.. who say uni haf life de.. 骗人.. i still haven finish my german hw lor.. and tml have german cls.. died liao.. haiz..

this sat is NTU Open House.. welcome all to come.. haha.. i am NTU Student Ambassador.. actually to say the truth, if those prospective students asked me about the courses, i most probably need to crap.. cuz i only noe engineering leh.. if they asked about communication or stuff other than engineering, i'm dead.. asked me about hall life also can.. want me to be tour guide also can.. haha.. as if i noe NTU very well lidat.. haha..

This is my life.10:27 PM

♥ Saturday, March 03, 2007
my computer spoilt again.. haiz.. same problem like last time.. i think the ram again lor.. from last time until now not even 2 mths lor.. so fast spoilt again.. haiz.. sian.. this week i need to do my lab report and the eff com essay lor.. spoilt at this time.. irritating.. lucky i got 2 com.. if not i die liao lor.. haiz.. the engineer will be here next tue to change the parts.. haiz.. sian.. wat a bad time to spoil.. haiz..

now like back to the rainy days le.. morning still quite sunny but den afternoon started raining liao.. haiz.. made me so moody lor.. my mood is affected by the weather de.. haiz.. sian..

actually my close friend should noe that i wanted to start a relationship now to end this lonely life.. y? maybe alone for too long liao.. scared nobody want me.. really.. i always got this feeling that no one wants me.. haiz.. no point saying all these since now really no one wants me.. i can forget abt all these by studying but u just cant dun care de ma.. u think so easy meh.. haiz.. i really dun like this feeling.. sometimes u wanted to talk to someone, but u cant find the person.. maybe wat i need is a listener instead of a bf.. haha.. maybe this is the case.. haha..

This is my life.12:30 AM

♥ Thursday, March 01, 2007
决定再用华文写这个entry.. 现在的我可以说是很多事等着我做但不知从哪里开始。这种日子是多么的无聊,每天醒来就读书,读累了就睡觉,要不然就是看电视,你说无聊不无聊?如果要我列出来我要做的事,我看将会很长很长。

最近我一直在想‘缘分’这个东西。它到底主宰我们多少东西?爱情?友情?亲情?还是它主宰一切?我相信没有人有个明确的答案。缘分让你遇到那个人,让你们相爱,但当所谓的缘分尽了,你们就要分开了。那缘分到底是好是坏呢?哈哈!我想我真得是想太多了,一个简单的东西给我讲到好像很复杂。但你们不觉得缘分这个东西真得有很多希奇的地方吗?你们自己也去想一想吧.. 可能你们会想到跟我不同的想法。加油咯!


This is my life.11:07 PM