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today woke up at 9 plus.. eat breakfast at ard 10 plus den went home to wait for the delivery man to come.. finally they came! my wardrobe is here! haha.. but... it's gone again.. cuz my dad found some cracks by the side.. so sent back to the factory.. dunno when they gg to send my wardrobe again.. so tired lor.. slpet at ard 5am n woke up at 9 plus.. so so so sleepy.. den i went to slp again after tt.. my dad woke me up at ard 3pm.. say we gg IMM for lunch.. haha.. dunno is lunch or dinner lor.. so tired.. if i went for my friends's concert, i sure slp down there lor.. haiz.. but feeling quite bad for not gg.. i think i never support him for his concert b4 lor.. haiz.. me so bad.. next time muz try to go.. haha.. this yr he got solo part but unfortunately i didnt go.. now damn tired.. go slp le.. night.. |
This is my life.9:51 PM
This is my life.4:06 AM
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i was reading my friend's blog just now.. she put so many stories.. all so touching.. den thinking about my own life.. one of story is saying if u like someone, dun hesitate to him/her.. u will regret it cuz anything may happen.. tt makes me think about my own feelings.. haiz.. tot of telling him after reading tat story.. quite a sad story but touching story.. haiz.. but sometimes i feel he's so far away from me.. like i dunno him lidat.. haiz.. Am i fated to be with him? got my results today.. haiz.. average Bs.. sian.. no A lah.. i expect at least one A lor.. but.. haiz.. disappointing.. my GPA is 3.4.. haiz.. my aim is 3.5 lah.. ok lah.. quite near le.. but next sem v tough loh.. computing.. phy 2.. math.. the com thing.. chemistry.. but i think i still can manage tt.. how to improve my GPA with all these killing modules.. haiz.. really dunno how.. gg to my father's com dnd later.. luckily the dress code is smart casual.. haha.. no need to buy clothes.. oh.. actually i went out in the afternoon, wanting to buy some clothes.. but in the end, bought only 1 pants.. haiz.. actually ytd i went to IMM.. i saw this shoe at DMK.. quite nice lor.. i like it lor.. but dun haf my size.. idiot.. and is at only $19.90.. idiot.. haiz.. not fated with that pair of shoe.. haiz.. |
This is my life.12:44 AM
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today is christmas and i am spending it at home.. haha.. i dun haf the habit of celebrating christmas.. i helped my dad clean his fish tank.. just changing water lah.. nothing much also.. i am watching 'D.N. Angel' now.. actually it is also showing on channel u at saturday, 1am.. yes, at midnight.. quite a nice anime.. actually i haf another blog.. and i tot of transferring some of the posts over here.. should i? hmmm.. but tat will be alot.. i started that blog from jc.. so mostly about my jc life.. my cls.. the 'a' levels.. den the holidays after tat.. also about the stupid tuition centre job.. hmm.. maybe not.. jc life nothing much to tell also.. haha.. maybe i can say a bit my jc life here.. the cls i am in.. i can say that full of clever ppl lor.. dun see them slack slack.. they r super clever lor.. but there's some changes when i am in j2.. most of us remain in same class cuz most of us dropped fm.. those carry on with their fm is in another class.. the j2 life can say it is a very stressful life.. assignments, tests, grades.. all sort of stress.. i made new friends here and also meet some of my old friends.. my pri sch friends and my sec sch friends.. haha.. so good to see them again.. although we are in different class, we still chat when we met in school.. haha.. that's it.. that's my jc life.. nothing special about it.. that's y i hope my uni life will be more exciting than it.. haha.. christmas over le.. now is 26 dec le.. boxing day.. i expect by this wk i will noe my results.. omg.. time flies.. haiz.. gg to slp le.. night.. |
This is my life.12:18 AM
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went out ytd but not wif jq they all.. the gathering last min cancelled le.. anyway.. out the whole morning finding wardrobe (mine), shoe rack, sofa n coffee table.. oh.. never say where i went.. haha.. i went to jurong east there.. yu hua fang.. ya.. i think that is the name.. went into almost all the furniture stores.. the price for my wardrobe all quite exensive lor.. 500 plus or 600 plus.. haiz.. then at night, went to the furniture sotre near my house there.. they are having a sale so we went to take a look.. the sofa there not bad lor.. quite comfortable.. the coffee table also quite nice.. i also saw my wardrobe there! (from the catalog lah!) haha.. my parents also chose the shoe rack.. so in the end, we bought 2 shoe racks, sofa, my wardrobe and a coffee table.. for my wardrobe.. it is a 4 door kind.. and a mirror attached to one side of the door.. at first, i chose the sliding door kind.. same like the 4 doors de.. but quite expensive also.. 500 plus.. then, the uncle helped me find another having similar compartment as the sliding door one.. since it does not have any mirror, we ordered one mirror as well.. so now my wardrobe is not the sliding door kind but those normal open door de.. i think i used to open door kind le.. but sliding door will also get used to it lah.. since i'm using it everyday.. haha.. so the coffee table and my wardrobe will be here next fri.. while the sofa and shoe racks will only be delivered next year jan.. i think around feb ba.. cuz the sofa needs time to make and there is no more stock for the shoe rack we have chosen.. actually there is still stock for other designs but we insisted on that design.. haha.. later gg to my grandma's house.. i think bcuz of the dong zhi ba.. go back celebrate.. or something like tat.. sure got tang yuan de.. haha.. but no ingredients inside.. my grandma also make this kind de.. hen chuan tong de.. but maybe she will buy those ready made tang yuan ba.. well, i dunno.. should be nothing to do lah.. haha.. just watch tv.. or sleep.. haha.. ok lah.. nothing much.. bb.. |
This is my life.1:16 PM
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on mon, my right eye got swollen.. woh.. pain lor.. everytime i blink, i only can feel pain.. pain and itchy.. haiz.. cant touch my eye.. so xin ku.. den tue, is the cac meeting.. 8 ppl only.. how pathetic.. haha.. so it ended quite fast.. den today just stayed at home.. tml gg bugis with gl they all.. tml is gl's bdae also.. got her present ready le.. hope she like it lor.. haha.. i searched very long for it.. haha.. from this shop to another.. really hope she like it.. fri also stay at home.. sat gg out again.. with jq they all.. so long never see them le.. sure got alot to talk abt.. haha.. am i talkative or wat? haha.. i think just 2 more weeks and sch gg to start le.. haiz.. so fast.. and if i'm not wrong, the results will be out by next wk.. omg.. so fast.. hope dun fail lor.. haiz.. of cuz, i hope can A lah.. but dun haf much confidence.. haiz.. dun think abt it now lah.. enjoy my slacking life now.. cant slp so much when sch start le.. haha.. been thinking abt him.. its not possible.. haha.. i think i change quite fast.. this wk i feel this way, the next wk i feel another way.. i dunno which feeling is true.. maybe bcuz i dunno wat is he thinking so i dunno whether is it possible for us.. so, i have decided to forget him.. haha.. i not feeling sad now.. since i noe not possible den no use holding on.. just forget abt it lor.. its better this way.. back to my slacking life.. everyday i can just lie on my bed and think what to do next.. haha.. haiyo.. really nothing to write leh... haha.. ok.. gg off.. |
This is my life.11:10 PM
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haiz.. dunno wat to write leh.. nothing special.. all so normal.. i'm worried abt my results.. haiz.. end of dec is when i'm taking my results.. omg.. just 10 plus days more.. hope wun 'da bao' any modules lor.. i already planning to take jap next sem le.. so just let me continue my plan.. oh.. i suddenly think of something to write. the movie i have watched on tue.. happy feet.. haha.. the penguins is so so so cute lor.. haha.. ok.. i think i only have this sentence to write about happy feet.. so let's change topic.. haha.. wat else to write about leh?? hmmm.. aiyo.. holiday can be so sian lor.. although can rest alot lah and no tuts, no lectures.. but the pace suddenly become so slow and i not really used to it.. but then, when sch starts, the pace again become so fast that i cant catch up, dun haf time to rest and all those troublesome matters.. need to study lah.. need to revise lah.. need to go tuts and lects lah.. need to worry about my grades lah.. all those stuff.. it can make me go crazy lor.. and also sometimes when u so busy n going to break down le den no one is there to support u.. i tell u.. the feeling is very sad de lor.. i had this feeling during this sem.. haiz.. it's terrible.. i wun wan to experience it again the next sem.. that kind of feeling.. so lost.. u just wish that time can stop and let u heal b4 carry on.. haiz.. will anyone understand this feeling?? sometimes i just hope that someone will call me and just be there for me.. cheer me up.. console me.. give me a smile.. ok.. actually i not that weak also lah.. haiz.. i say until like i so weak lidat.. haiz.. anyway.. weekends here again and 1 week will be gone soon.. haiz.. time really flies.. |
This is my life.11:25 PM
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today went to cwp to watch 'happy feet'.. the penguins are so cute.. the way they dance.. they sing very well also.. except for that happy feet.. shit.. i forgot his name le.. haha.. nvm.. he's so cute lor.. so brave.. next movie i'm looking forward to is death note 2.. oh.. and also the harry potter.. haha.. fan of harry potter movie.. of course.. i will go watch only if it is the original casts.. i wun if change ppl de lor.. haha.. anyway, i tired liao.. go slp le.. nite.. =) |
This is my life.12:58 AM
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just watched the stars award.. omg.. chen wei lian got the 最佳新人奖 and 十大最受欢男艺人.. omg.. he can act meh?? wat the.. this is worse than if he got the best singapore artiste award in the music thing lor.. i am not saying because he's blind and so he shldn't act.. but the problem is.. i noe he's blind.. so i understand he can really communicate with the other actors like those normal actors.. but does he really have the capability of being an actor?? ok.. maybe i will just stick to his singing can le.. den i will stop all the nagging.. another thing is.. he really got alot of supportors lor.. both awards need ppl to call de.. so i think his supportors really very superb lor.. spent so much money calling his line.. haha.. i'm quite satisfied with other awards.. 实至名归.. i congratulate all the winners.. haha.. anyway.. been thinking about my feelings.. actually it is quite mixed lor.. why do i say mixed.. firstly, he went out wif me sometimes.. so i tot u noe u wun go out wif ppl u dun like right?? secondly, ask him out can be difficult.. haha.. thirdly, both of us so quiet hence we didnt tok much.. lastly, i dunno how he feels about me.. sometimes i wonder does he noe that i am writing about him.. haha.. ppl said i am calm and quiet.. is that the true me?? honestly, i dun feel that i am a calm person.. i dunno lah.. i also dun really noe myself.. haha.. gg slp soon.. cya.. |
This is my life.12:01 AM
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me blogging again.. wat did i do today? hmm.. play online games, watch goong.. tml gg back to hall to return the keys and the cable.. last day le.. haiz.. i will definitely miss hall life.. i can do anything there.. slp late, bathe late.. anything and everything.. i am back to mum's nagging life.. haiz.. but she didnt nag so much le.. in the past, omg.. i dun dare to think.. i cant stand her nagging sometimes.. it is true.. 在夜深人静的时候,最容易想起你思念的人。haiz.. i am listening yan zi's 害怕.. 忘 我没有很努力要自己去遗忘 那些和日记一起收藏的过往 孤单在思绪之中变得很漫长 想 我没有很刻意让自己不去想 那些和照片静止的模样 我学着坚强 坚强到不用学着不想 学着遗忘 还是害怕夜深人静时总想起你 还是害怕不经意的听见你的消息 然而当爱已经沉淀得太清晰 当拥有已经是失去 就勇敢的放弃 还是会害怕一个人时就很难忘记 还是害怕突然宁愿当初没有决定 然而当爱最后的出口是分离 我会这么相信 走下去 this song is so nice.. sad song.. not really describing my feeling right now.. but it sort of close lah.. anyway.. gg to slp le.. cya.. |
This is my life.12:04 AM
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today nothing interesting happen.. haiz.. stay at home where got interesting stuff.. haiz. sian.. shld be gg out tml.. gg cwp to change my earphone for my hp.. haha.. bf the warranty expires.. haha.. cuz one side cant hear le.. dunno y.. shld be something wrong ba.. haha.. maybe wun be blogging for a few days ba.. since nothing interesting.. wait till i haf something to blog den blog.. if not hor, no point doing so also.. nothing to write yet need to force something out to write.. haha.. well.. been planning my timetable for next semester.. thinking of taking jap.. but i not sure whether i can handle anot.. maybe put tt as S/U option.. safer.. haiz.. still thinking.. anyway.. i go slp liao.. bb.. |
This is my life.12:22 AM
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haiz.. holiday so sian lor.. friends going overseas or in army.. haiz.. sian.. sis also not free.. haiz.. den my mum keep asking me to tidy my room.. haiz.. only go vivo n cycle only after my exams.. haiz.. sian ar.. holidays shldnt be lidat lor.. at least i got my com to accompany me.. or else.. i sian si le.. so bored.. so sian.. haiz.. got someone ask me who i miss.. den my friend asks me whether i tell him i like him.. but.. i dun dare.. i wun lah.. i am afraid that it wld spoil our friendship.. anyway.. nobody noes who i like also.. so also nvm.. haha.. who noes? i wun let anybody noe.. cuz i think i am not the one for him.. so.. haiz.. dunno lah.. very confused also.. actually i very scared ppl will noe.. how i wish things become simpler.. not so complicated.. haha.. during exams, i always think of him.. now holidays, i still thinking about him.. this feeling goes on and on.. it didnt stop for awhile.. no matter how busy i am, i am still thinking about him.. haiz.. how i wish i can hear his voice now.. just being by his side make me feel so happy.. ok.. by now, some ppl out there shld be guessing who i like le.. haha.. go guess ba.. u wun noe de.. i also wun tell u de.. haha.. how can i let ppl noe i like him? are we fated to be together? haiz.. sometimes really haf the urge to tell him, but in the end back off.. i dun understand.. why is it so difficult to say it out? bcuz i'm a girl? or wat? haiz.. i not sure shld i carry on without telling him.. or tell him thru sms.. or tell him in person.. how how how??? i really dunno wat to do.. who can teach me wat to do? haiz.. k lah.. holiday also feel sad.. haiz.. cya.. |
This is my life.11:33 PM
This is my life.1:30 AM
This is my life.4:08 PM
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haha.. another photo session.. haha.. this is my trip to the vivocity.. the scene ok lah.. nice.. lucky didnt rain.. heehee..![]() ![]() ![]() haha.. so this is it.. cya! |
This is my life.3:57 PM
This is my life.3:44 PM
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haha.. exam's finally over.. finally can rest and play le.. i went to vivocity with wq.. on wed.. haha.. wah.. so big lor.. so many shops.. omg.. we went into some shops to look ard.. wah.. cant believe the pricing.. omg.. can u imagine a jacket to be $500?? omg.. all branded de lor.. omg.. anyway, we had our lunch at LJS.. haha.. and i admit i took quite long to finish it.. haha.. ppl who noe me shld noe tt this is normal.. haha.. den after lunch, we went up to view the scenery.. saw Sentosa.. haha.. quite nice.. at the top level, there is pool.. saw many ppl playing water.. mostly kids lah.. not a bad place for gatherings.. especially since the weather is so good.. clear sky.. haha.. i upload the photo next time to show you.. haha.. i wonder how the shops there gg to survive.. all the price hor.. wah.. cant believe it.. will anyone go and buy all those things?? imagine one pair of children's shoes cost $60?? omg.. spoilt kids.. haiz.. children only lor.. stupid.. wear so expensive shoes and clothes for wat?? haiz.. dunno what the parents are thinking.. crazy.. later today, i gg back to my hostel to pack up.. haha.. gg to move my things back to my home this sunday.. so need to pack today.. think will haf alot of things lor.. my clothes.. my com.. my books.. er.. still got some small small items lah.. haha.. never knew that i haf so many things.. oh ya.. while shopping at the vivocity.. i saw many cute toys lor.. so cute.. want to buy but i haf alot at home le.. i already haf one box of toys in my storeroom.. and some in my room.. so just imagine ba.. but i need to stress on one thing.. in that box, also got my sis's toys also.. not just mine alone.. so hor.. i didnt spend so much also lor.. haha.. mostly is parents give de.. haha.. i didnt buy on my own de.. haha.. wait for ppl to give me.. haha.. den tml gg cycling wif wq n cq.. haha.. shld be fun ba.. since this is my first time.. hope wun fall down or anything.. haha.. i am quite prone to falling down during cycling de.. haha.. hope it wun happen lah.. haha.. hope.. |
This is my life.11:38 AM